Strategic Planning and thesis supervision
The Quality Assurance Committee of HEI “Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër), organized on 16 October 2014 with the participation of the academic staff the seminar on "Strategic planning” and “Supervision process of mater thesis and graduation steps”.
The seminar was delivered by Prof. Dr. GüngörTuran.The seminar was organized in an interactive environment putting emphasis on the philosophy institutions need to adopt and understanding on their part of the importance of the issues concerned.
The first part of the seminar was dedicated to the strategic planning where participants had the opportunity to gain knowledge on the importance of the adoption of a strategic plan in unit and institutional level as a means to measure the performance of the institutions. The participants had the opportunity to discuss and gain experience regarding the methodology used for the strategic planning and more specifically, setting realistic, measurable and achievable strategic objectives and indicators as the most effective way to monitor the progress and institutional performance.
The second topic covered during the seminar was the supervision of the master thesis and the graduation steps. The professor leaded the discussion sharing experience with participants on the most relevant aspects of the entire process starting with the program coordinators and their responsibilities, information that must be available to students regarding the master program, the importance of clear and understandable regulation, admission and selection criteria, orientation and education and employability. The follow up discussion with participants was focused on the admission and selection criteria and quotas that the institutions needs to define regarding acceptance of master program students. To that regard it was emphasized the importance on the admission and most important selection criteria as an important mean for ensuring quality graduates and the important role that the scientific committee should have in that regard, therefore the necessity to establish an eligible and empowered scientific committee. Another aspect that participants were interested to discuss was also the necessity and steps towards an effective supervisor and supervision.